Retail Chains’ Financial Offer againstCustomers’ Financial Exclusion

Retail Chains’ Financial Offer againstCustomers’ Financial Exclusion

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Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Research in Business, Management and Economics

Year: 2019


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Retail Chains’ Financial Offer againstCustomers’ Financial Exclusion

Katarzyna Bilińska-Reformat1,*and Małgorzata Kieżel1,*



The article examines the financial offer and the dynamics of its introduction by retail chains in Poland as a way to increase the financial inclusion of consumers. Financial exclusion is define not being able to access or use ‘financial services in the mainstream market that are appropriate to (people’s) needs and enable them to lead a normal life in the society in which they belong’. The activities of retail chains are helpful in reducingbarriers to access to financial offers for consumers. The study assumes the hypothesis that currently, most supermarkets and hypermarkets in Poland have introduced their own solutions for make financial services are more available for customers.This study partially has an overview character. A critical analysis of the literature on the subject of financial exclusion based on books and journals, reports of research companies, as well as Internet sources is used in the study. Documentary methods and the results of quantitative research based on survey are applied.The article consist of three parts. Introduction presents general importance of financial exclusion. The essence of financial exclusion, source of this phenomenon and characteristic of main retailchains in Poland are presented in the firstand the secondpart of body of paper. Then, the research methods and financial determinants of choice of commercial outpost are presented. The fifthpartof the article shows the results of research and discussion. The article ends with conclusions.

Keywords: consumers; financial inclusion; hypermarket; retail chains; supermarket[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″ el_class=”smkrowshadow” css=”.vc_custom_1586683216261{padding-top: 25px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;}”][vc_single_image image=”4831″ img_size=”200×200″ alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_shadow_circle_2″ css=”.vc_custom_1587884867633{margin-bottom: 15px !important;}”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1587892471213{margin-top: 0px !important;padding-top: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 10px !important;}”]

Katarzyna Bilińska-Reformat

University of Economics in Katowice/ Department of Marketing Management and Tourism, Poland

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Małgorzata Kieżel

Master in Economics, UCAM, Brazil, PHD in Economics, ESPM, Brazil


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